Is big brother watching you or is Lorex demonstrating its cameras capabilities to film in and conditions. With a little help from open data sources We place you in the middle of an Orwellian experience. Could you ignore OOH that seemed to follow you around eerily in the real world and seemed to know too much about your personal life? Like web banners that follow you around the web. 
Website redesign.
The idea was to create a marked difference between the brand and its competitors by creating an experience that appears like an organization's all watching eye sees everything you do, but not in the standard generic fashion. What's the first thing people do when they run across something they don't quite understand out in public? They pull out their phones and Google it. This drives traffic to the website and allows the explanation that we have just simply demonstrated the camera's capabilities as well as created an illusion of omnipotence and omniscience using open data sources and a few tech tricks. 
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