Lays-erizer Snapchat lens more than just a Snapchat Lens.
Lays already owns the snack aisle.
Additionally Lays pretty much owns snack time as well, but how do you get fans of the brand to invite Lays into their lives outside of snack time and the snack aisle and share tidbits about the brand beyond those times and places?
The Lays-erizer Snapchat lens utilizes the built A/R and object scan identification ability of Snapchat to aid in creating a way for the fans of the brand to take ownership of the brand mark and bring it into their lives as they see fit. This is accomplished by offering a rewards program for sharing snaps that offers everything from small discounts to huge incentives to drive continued engagement and usage.
As you use the Lays-erizer Snapchat lens and scan function and share your Lays-erized Snaps, you unlock discounts on Lays products and rewards.
Rewards can be redeemed through your registered Lays online account on your mobile device simply by opening your account and scanning it like any coupon would be scanned as you check out anywhere you can purchase Lays products. Registered Lays accounts also aids in easy brand communication from Lays directly to their fans. (EX. polls can be administered, special announcemments can be made, email lists can be created etc.)
The more FUN and CREATIVE the brand mark solution the greater the rewards you may unlock adn the greater the discounts you may recieve.
Basic Lays-erized objects may get fans simple discounts and basic everyday swag sent to fans of the brand.
However getting more creative may unlock a greater rewards. For Example if you were bored at the airport and you just happend to Lays-erize a Japanese Airlines 747...
You may unlock a trip to Japan.
Which is relelvant to Lays because it inspired the special flavor of WASABI GINGER chips.
Anything can be Lays-erized and the posibility cross promotional partnerships and gainging relevance and reach through those partnerships are endless. Additionally a multitude of insights can be gleaned into what fans of the brand are doing when they think about the brand and snacks.